Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Canadian Kiddy Superstar!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Kiddy Paw Print

Debbie using a cookie cutter "glove" to finalize the ornament for the tree.
SNOW in Pearland (& Houston, too)

Check it out...it was sticking...somewhat. And check it out on the tree...shows another shot...
Wish you were home with me, Deb...we'd of had a snowball fight!
Friday, November 21, 2008
The USPS...they "handle with care"

Kristin & Ed get married...

And they are now married...
And of course there was the Alpha Phi pose...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Denver Trip-Part 2
And my Saab days are over...for now

And now I'll turn it back over to the Hood and her synopsis of our awesome Colorado vaca!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Denver Trip-Part 1
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Honeymoon Plans
So we are going on the Carnival Dream. It'll be in it's third voyage at the time, so everything will be extra clean!

Our balcony will be overlooking the Promenade, but I was sure not to put us right over the jacuzzi's that hang off the ship!

The itinerary was one of the selling points for us...sailing roundtrip from Rome. We hit other ports in Italy including Livorno, Naples, Messina and Venice (2 day stop). Plus we get to go to Dubrovnik, Croatia), Barcelona (Spain), and Monte Carlo (Monaco).
We are planning on a day before and after in Rome, so all in all...two weeks overseas should be a great start!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Accusations from Mr Parker...

Seriously...why would I copy this guy! (That is not me, that is Owen...)
On another note, Debbie made wedding planning progress with her trip to St Louis this past weekend. As I am the bum here, I'll let her do the updating, etc.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wedding Planning
Wedding is set for Saturday, October 10, 2009. Ceremony will be at the St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in St. Charles, MO.

Friday, October 10, 2008
Making Fall
Meet the Kadlec's Blog Kicked Off!
...after the collapse of thekadlecfamily.com website, we left the internet for a while...but we are back now. Can't say that I am jumping for joy in joining the "blogging" world...oh well.
Hopefully Deb and I can keep this blog going, updating everyone on the upcoming wedding (which just happens to be 1 year from today!), the family, vacations, etc.
Terence & Debbie