On Saturday I pulled out the humidifier (as Houston isn't humid enough!) so that I could inhale the heat and try and break up my congestion. When I opened the box out fell a little blue mouse! I mean, how did kiddy get the mouse into a closed box in the bathroom closet? It was a mystery... Note, normally, kiddy follows us around wherever we go but this time she wasn't because on Friday she got her annual shots so she was completely exhausted. I scooped up the mouse and waited until Debbie got home last night.
When Debbie got home I shook the mouse and Midnight went crazy! She was so excited, had that kitten look on her face, shear determination, and a little bit of "how did you find my mouse?!" Typically she immediately would strategically place her mouse where we wouldn't find it...in Kramer fashion when he hides his spare key in Jerry's apartment...but all night and into the morning she was rolling around the floor loving her new found friend! Here are a few pics...it was pretty cute...

She even fetches with it! Debbie was fake throwing it and kitty would run to the other room...only to hear a soft meow follow. Then Debbie would shake it and she'd come running back. Eventually we just got used to what we used to do...throw it down the stairs...that keeps her busy for 25 seconds til she brings it back up!

Sorry for the multiple tags of Midnight, aka kitty, aka kiddy.
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